Pre K Gymnastics
Our one-hour girls’ recreational gymnastics classes are taught by Safe Sport-certified instructors. We keep the class size small so that students get hands-on guidance. The instructor-to-student ratio is 8:1.

Progression of a pull-over can be seen. We prepare our youngest gymnast to be ready for our pre-team
Ages 3–5, coed (60 minutes)
Gymnasts learn gymnastics skills using preschool equipment and the “big kid” equipment. This class is designed to create a fun, safe and challenging environment for your child filled with obstacle courses, learning stations, fitness and gymnastics. While gymnastics is the primary focus of the class, special attention is placed on skills needed for Kindergarten as well as basic sports readiness.
- Number Recognition (1-15)
- Positions: Tuck, Pike, Straddle, Table Top, Seal Stretch, Candlestick, Bridge, and Lunge
- Independently Move Through an Obstacle course
- Equipment Recognition: Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor
- Chassé Left & Right
- Skipping
- Bear Crawls
- Crab Walks
- Open Close
- Frog Jumps
- Bunny Hops
- Hopping/Jumping Forward & Backward, Left & Right
- Climb Up & Down
- Climb Side to Side (stall bars)
- Climb Over, Under, & Through Obstacles
- Skin-the-Cat
- Hang on the Bar
- Go Down the Slide
- Monkey Bars
- Throw & Catch
- Floor
- Forward & Backward Rolls (on wedge mat w/spot)
- Cartwheel
- Shoelace Handstand (block)
- Donkey Kicks
- Tuck & Straddle Jumps (floor)
- Trampoline/Tumble Track
- Seat Drop, Straddle, Pike, & Jump Full Turn
- Beam
- Forward, Backward, Sideways, & Flamingo Walks
- Arabesque (hold for 3 sec)
- Jump to stick: Straight, Tuck, & Straddle
- Bars
- Swing in Tuck or Pike Position (trapeze)
- Bat Hang
- Tuck Hold (5 sec)
- Kickover (spot)
- Monkey Walks Left & Right
- Bear Walks Across P-Bars
- Vault
- Jump from Block, Punch, Stick
- Run, Hurdle, Punch, Stick
- Forward Roll from Board to Wedge
Ages 3–5, coed (60 minutes)
Designed for the older preschooler who has participated in the Butterflies class. Gymnasts continue to learn gymnastics skills and class participation at a more advanced pace than the Butterflies.
- Number Recognition (1-15)
- Independently Move Through an Obstacle course
- Equipment Recognition: Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor
- Tippy-toe Walk
- Heel Walk
- Walk Backward
- Marching
- Running
- Galloping (Both Sides)
- Bunny Hops
- Animal Walks
- Balance on One Leg
- Walking Up and Down Stairs
- Climbing
- Hopscotch
- Skipping
- Jumping (include open-close, backwards, jump-turn)
- Hop on One Foot
- Throw/Catch/Strike (larger ball)
- Monkey Bars (without barrel)
- Positions
- Straight, Tuck/Squat, Straddle, Pike
- Ta-da
- Table Top
- Bridge (feet elevated)
- Lunge
- Candlestick (roll to stand)
- Star
- Arch
- Hollow
- Plank
- Pancake
- Splits
- Floor
- Log Rolls
- Cartwheel
- Handstand
- Donkey Kicks
- Backward Roll (incline)
- Forward Straddle Roll (incline/floor)
- Forward Roll (incline/floor)
- Beam (low)
- Walks:Forward, Sideways, Backwards, Tippy-toe and Flamingo
- Step Over Object While Walking
- Crawling
- Jump and Stick
- Small Hops
- Kicks/Marching
- Pivot Turn
- Bars
- Hangs
- Swings
- Woodpeckers
- Toe Touches
- Possum Hangs
- Front SupportTuck Ups/Leg Lifts
- Bat Swings (Straddle and Pike)
- Pullover (Walking Feet Up Incline)
- Forward Roll Over Bar
- Cast
- Vault
- Run
- Jump to Stick (Small Elevation)
- Baby Donkey Kicks (Spring Board and Trapezoid)
- Squat On
- Straddle On
- Step from Box to Board and Jump, Stick
- Run, Jump, Hit Board, Stick
- Forward Roll from Board to Wedge
- Trampoline/Tumble Track
- Jump (Forwards & Backwards)
- Zig Zag
- Stop
- Tuck, Straddle, Open-Close Jump
- Jump Turns
- Doggie Drops
- Jump Combos
Ages 3-5, coed (60 minutes)
Designed for the older preschooler who has participated in the Fireflies class. These gymnasts continue to learn gymnastics skills and class participation at a more advanced pace than the Fireflies.
- Number Recognition (1-15)
- Independently Move Through an Obstacle course
- Equipment Recognition: Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor
- Tippy-toe Walk
- Heel Walk
- Walk Backward
- Marching
- Running
- Galloping (Both Sides)
- Bunny Hops
- Animal Walks
- Balance on One Leg
- Walking Up and Down Stairs
- Climbing
- Hopscotch
- Skipping
- Jumping (include open-close, backwards, jump-turn)
- Hop on One Foot
- Throw/Catch/Strike (larger ball)
- Monkey Bars (without barrel)
- Positions
- Straight, Tuck/Squat, Straddle, Pike
- Ta-da
- Table Top
- Bridge (feet elevated)
- Lunge
- Candlestick (roll to stand)
- Star
- Arch
- Hollow
- Plank
- Pancake
- Splits
- Floor
- Log Rolls
- Cartwheel
- Handstand
- Donkey Kicks
- Backward Roll (incline)
- Forward Straddle Roll (incline/floor)
- Forward Roll (incline/floor)
- Beam (low)
- Walks:Forward, Sideways, Backwards, Tippy-toe and Flamingo
- Step Over Object While Walking
- Crawling
- Jump and Stick
- Small Hops
- Kicks/Marching
- Pivot Turn
- Bars
- Hangs
- Swings
- Woodpeckers
- Toe Touches
- Possum Hangs
- Front SupportTuck Ups/Leg Lifts
- Bat Swings (Straddle and Pike)
- Pullover (Walking Feet Up Incline)
- Forward Roll Over Bar
- Cast
- Vault
- Run
- Jump to Stick (Small Elevation)
- Baby Donkey Kicks (Spring Board and Trapezoid)
- Squat On
- Straddle On
- Step from Box to Board and Jump, Stick
- Run, Jump, Hit Board, Stick
- Forward Roll from Board to Wedge
- Trampoline/Tumble Track
- Jump (Forwards & Backwards)
- Zig Zag
- Stop
- Tuck, Straddle, Open-Close Jump
- Jump Turns
- Doggie Drops
- Jump Combos
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